Friday Links, March 2024
Since the start of this year, I have saved some interesting links that I’d like to share with you. The content is as random as the internet itself.
“In the game of Quantum Soccer, the aim is to shape the wave function of a quantum-mechanical “ball” so that the probability of it being inside one of the goals rises above a set threshold. This is achieved by using the motion of the players to alter the energy spectrum of the wave function: when a player moves across the field, the energy that this action provides (or absorbs) enables transitions between certain modes of the wave function. The pairs of modes involved depend on the player’s velocity; the exact rules are spelt out in the mathematical details, but it’s easy to experiment using trial and error.”
You have to cancel that noise.
Just if you want to try some operating systems in your browser. After all, there’s nothing more rewarding than playing a game of Hearts in Windows 95.
The surreal experience of my first developer job
A fantastic story about a developer’s life working at Skill Buy
A collection of retro PC magazines.
Kalman Filter Explained Simply
As the title says.
Finite volume solver for incompressible multiphase flows with surface tension.
A GitHub gem. Take a look at some examples.
Reality as a vector in Hilbert Space
“By taking the prospect of emergence seriously, and acknowledging that our fondness for attributing metaphysical fundamentality to the spatial arena is more a matter of convenience and convention than one of principle, it is possible to see how the basic ingredients of the world might be boiled down to a list of energy eigenvalues and the components of a vector in Hilbert space. If it did succeed, this project would represent a triumph of unification and simplification, and is worth taking seriously for that reason alone.”
The world wastes a minimum of $100M annually due to inefficient string operations.
How Google helped destroy adoption of RSS feeds
“Although RSS feeds are alive and still heavily used today, their level of adoption has suffered because of how difficult a handful of popular technology companies have made it to use them. Google, especially, has relied on the open web RSS protocol to gain so much market share and influence, but continues to engage in behavior that exploits the open web at the expense of its users. As a result, Google has single-handedly contributed to the reason many users who once relied on RSS feeds have stopped using them.”
The Projects of Daniel D. Johnson
The type of page I like to visit.
Because it’s not how we would expect.
It never ends.