Converting infix to RPN (shunting-yard algorithm)
If you’ve tried to write your own calculator (something in the style of calculator) you’ve probably had to build a simple converter for your mathematical expressions from infix notation to RPN (Reverse Polish Notation).
Before jumping directly into code, we first need to define the first two terms:
Infix notation is the common arithmetic and logical formula notation, in which operators are written infix-style between the operands they act on. Unfortunately what seems natural for us, is not as simple to parse by computers as prefix or RPN notations.
RPN also known as the Reverse Polish Notation is mathematical notation wherein every operator (eg. + - * %) follows all of its operands. Examples:
Infix notation Reverse Polish Notation A + B A B + A ^ 2 + 2 * A * B + B ^ 2 A 2 ^ 2 A * B * + B 2 ^ + ( ( 1 + 2 ) / 3 ) ^ 4 1 2 + 3 / 4 ^ ( 1 + 2 ) * ( 3 / 4 ) ^ ( 5 + 6 ) 1 2 + 3 4 / 5 6 + ^ *
In order to parse and convert a given infix mathematical expression to RPN we will use the shunting-yard algorithm . Just like the evaluation of RPN, the algorithm is stack-based . For the conversion we will use two buffers (one for input, and one for output).
Additionally, we will use a stack for operators that haven’t been yet added to the output.
A simplified version of the Shunting-yard algorithm (complete version) |
The code is on git, and can be cloned using this command:
gh repo clone nomemory/blog-java-shunting-yard
Note: The following implementation of the shunting-yard algorithm does not impose any validations. The input should be a valid mathematical expression or else the program may end abruptly or perform incorrectly.
The Operators
Operators can have either LEFT Associativity (+
, -
, *
, /
, %
), or RIGHT Associativity (^
), so we are going to use an Enum
with two possible values Left
and Right
public enum Associativity {
Moreover, operators have various precedence over the others.
So we are going to create another Enum
to describe Operators.
The Operators can be compared by their precedence (that’s why we implement Comparable<Operator>
public enum Operator implements Comparable<Operator> {
ADDITION("+", Associativity.LEFT, 0),
SUBTRACTION("-", Associativity.LEFT, 0),
DIVISION("/", Associativity.LEFT, 5),
MULTIPLICATION("*", Associativity.LEFT, 5),
MODULUS("%", Associativity.LEFT, 5),
POWER("^", Associativity.RIGHT, 10);
final Associativity associativity;
final int precedence;
final String symbol;
Operator(String symbol, Associativity associativity, int precedence) {
this.symbol = symbol;
this.associativity = associativity;
this.precedence = precedence;
public int comparePrecedence(Operator operator) {
return this.precedence - operator.precedence;
For example +
has a lesser precedence than %
, and ^
has a bigger precedence than %
The algorithm
Note: The S[x] notation follows the steps of the algorithm directly in the code.
package net.andreinc.shunting.yard;
import java.util.*;
import static net.andreinc.shunting.yard.Associativity.LEFT;
import static net.andreinc.shunting.yard.Associativity.RIGHT;
class ShuntingYard {
// ***
final static Map<String, Operator> OPS = new HashMap<>();
static {
// We build a map with all the existing Operators by iterating over the existing Enum
// and filling up the map with:
// <K,V> = <Character, Operator(Character, Associativity, Precedence)>
for (Operator operator : Operator.values()) {
OPS.put(operator.symbol, operator);
public static List<String> shuntingYard(List<String> tokens) {
List<String> output = new LinkedList<>();
Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
// For all the input tokens [S1] read the next token [S2]
for (String token : tokens) {
if (OPS.containsKey(token)) {
// Token is an operator [S3]
while (!stack.isEmpty() && OPS.containsKey(stack.peek())) {
// While there is an operator (y) at the top of the operators stack and
// either (x) is left-associative and its precedence is less or equal to
// that of (y), or (x) is right-associative and its precedence
// is less than (y)
// [S4]:
Operator cOp = OPS.get(token); // Current operator
Operator lOp = OPS.get(stack.peek()); // Top operator from the stack
if ((cOp.associativity == LEFT && cOp.comparePrecedence(lOp) <= 0) ||
(cOp.associativity == RIGHT && cOp.comparePrecedence(lOp) < 0)) {
// Pop (y) from the stack S[5]
// Add (y) output buffer S[6]
// Push the new operator on the stack S[7]
} else if ("(".equals(token)) {
// Else If token is left parenthesis, then push it on the stack S[8]
} else if (")".equals(token)) {
// Else If the token is right parenthesis S[9]
while (!stack.isEmpty() && !stack.peek().equals("(")) {
// Until the top token (from the stack) is left parenthesis, pop from
// the stack to the output buffer
// S[10]
// Also pop the left parenthesis but don't include it in the output
// buffer S[11]
} else {
// Else add token to output buffer S[12]
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
// While there are still operator tokens in the stack, pop them to output S[13]
return output;
Testing the code
Two tests have been written to assess the values are correct:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static net.andreinc.shunting.yard.ShuntingYard.shuntingYard;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
public class ShuntingYardTest {
public void test1() {
List<String> given = Arrays.asList("( 1 + 2 ) * ( 3 / 4 ) ^ ( 5 + 6 )".split(" "));
List<String> expected = List.of("1", "2", "+", "3", "4", "/", "5", "6", "+", "^", "*");
List<String> computed = shuntingYard(given);
System.out.println("infix:" + given);
System.out.println("rpn (expected):" + expected);
System.out.println("rpn (computed):" + computed);
public void test2() {
List<String> given = Arrays.asList("A ^ 2 + 2 * A * B + B ^ 2".split(" "));
List<String> expected = List.of("A", "2", "^", "2", "A", "*", "B", "*", "+", "B", "2", "^", "+");
List<String> computed = shuntingYard(given);
System.out.println("infix:" + given);
System.out.println("rpn (expected):" + expected);
System.out.println("rpn (computed):" + computed);